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Belarus' CEC explains nomination process for delegates to Belarusian People's Congress


Belarus' CEC explains nomination process for delegates to Belarusian People's Congress

Belarus CEC explains nomination process for delegates to Belarusian Peoples CongressГлавная страницапроисшествияполитикаобществотехнологиив миревооружениеКоронавирус (COVID-19)экономикавидеокриминалДТПпокушениеновости Украинысемьяздоровьепогодановости СШАживотныеапрелязаконавиацияфутбольный матчсдать на правасамитThe process of nominating delegates to the Belarusian People's Congress was explained by secretary of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of Belarus Elena Baldovskaya at the round table titled Upcoming Election Campaign hosted by BelTA. “The Constitution contains norms concerning the formation of the Belarusian People's Congress. The law on the Belarusian People's Congress has been adopted. The Electoral Code has been supplemented with a new section on the election of delegates to the Belarusian People's Congress from local councils of deputies and the public,” Elena Baldovskaya said. The CEC will appoint elections to the Belarusian People's Congress after the single voting day. “Local councils of deputies have the right to participate in the election of delegates to the Belarusian People's Congress. Presidiums of local councils of deputies of the regional and base level, councils of primary territorial level have the right to nominate their representatives to the Belarusian People's Congress. The election will be carried out by the regional councils of deputies from among the nominated candidates,” the CEC secretary said. Another category which has the right to elect their representatives to the Belarusian People's Congress are public associations. “The Justice Ministry has already submitted to the CEC a list of such associations that have the right to elect delegates to the Belarusian National Congress. These are five public associations: Belaya Rus, Belarusian Union of Women, BRSM Youth Union, Belarusian Public Association of Veterans, and the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus. The associations should submit to the CEC a decision on their participation in the elections to the Belarusian National Congress no.
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